February 2025 eNews


Spring Summit

Spring Summit is as mad as a hatter, and we hope you will join us to help make this event crazy! The event will take place at Boxwell Scout Reservation on March 7th-9th. This is our annual fellowship and training event! Join us down the rabbit hole for wacky food and sessions that cover all kinds of leadership and OA topics! Sessions will be held in the morning followed by chapter vs. chapter games to win the Wa-Hi-Nasa Belt of Glory! You can register by going to wa-hi-nasa.org/events/spring-summit

Membership Renewal and Arrowpass for 2025

It’s that time of year! Time for membership renewal and Arrowpass. The Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge is putting together many fun events next year and we would love to see you there. Also, if you pay for Arrowpass you do not have to pay dues as it is already covered! https://wa-hi-nasa.org/register/

Section E-3 Conclave

Join us for an unforgettable weekend filled with OA training, patch trading, and epic competitions! Plus, don’t miss the Quest for the Golden Arrow, where Wa-Hi-Nasa will go head-to-head with other lodges in a series of competitive games!

Seize the opportunity to represent Wa-Hi-Nasa—register now and be part of the action! Conclave will be on April 25th-27th at Camp Buck Toms. https://wa-hi-nasa.org/events/conclave/

Summer Camp Staff

Do you want to make lasting memories this summer on Boxwell Summer Camp staff? Well now is the time to sign up! There are plenty of places to staff in a variety of areas spanning from aquatics to kitchen. Boxwell needs your help in putting on the best summer camp experience for Scouts in the Middle Tennessee Council! Spots are open, don’t forget to apply at https://www.mtcbsa.org/campstaffopportunity

ArrowCorps111 Leadership Interest

The Lodge is thrilled to invite you to ArrowCorps 111, a service project taking place on October 11, 2025, at Grimes Canoe Base. Make sure to save the date, more information regarding registration will be coming soon.

This unique initiative offers participants the opportunity to contribute to a Middle Tennessee Council Property. While fostering a love for nature and creating a deeper understanding of conservation practices.

If you’re interested in serving in a leadership position for this year’s ArrowCorps111 service project, submit a form at . https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZ6NYOYUOnmq1z50jjESNv1VzSvN-pZKlAJ_Rcmij_OVi1cA/viewform. Sign ups close March 9th.

OA High Adventure

Imagine hiking through some of the same territories as Waite Phillips, Dr. Goodman and other noteworthy Scouting figures. Imagine forming a team, coming into an experience as strangers, but leaving as friends for a lifetime. Few people get to experience the world’s natural beauty and understand what true fellowship is all about. Next summer, the Order of the Arrow invites you to this rare occasion and to participate in the OA High Adventure program.

Visit https://oa-bsa.org/high-adventure for more information regarding all of the OAHA opportunities available for lodge members.

Wa-Hi-Nasa Social Media

Facebook: facebook.com/wahinasa

Instagram: instagram.com/wahinasa

YouTube: youtube.com/wahinasa111 

Do you know a fellow lodge member who is not receiving eNews messages? Have them email enews@wa-hi-nasa.org with their full name, chapter, and correct contact information.

January 2025 eNews


Spring Summit

Spring Summit is as mad as a hatter, and we hope you will join us to help make this event crazy! The event will take place at Boxwell Scout Reservation on March 7th-9th. This is our annual fellowship and training event! Join us down the rabbit hole for wacky food and sessions that cover all kinds of leadership and OA topics! Sessions will be held in the morning followed by chapter vs. chapter games to win the Wa-Hi-Nasa Belt of Glory! You can register by going to wa-hi-nasa.org/events/spring-summit

Membership Renewal and Arrowpass for 2025

It’s that time of year! Time for membership renewal and Arrowpass. The Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge is putting together many fun events next year and we would love to see you there. Also, if you pay for Arrowpass you do not have to pay dues as it is already covered! https://wa-hi-nasa.org/register/

Summer Camp Staff

Do you want to make lasting memories this summer on Boxwell Summer Camp staff? Well now is the time to sign up! There are plenty of places to staff in a variety of areas spanning from aquatics to kitchen. Boxwell needs your help in putting on the best summer camp experience for Scouts in the Middle Tennessee Council! Spots are open, don’t forget to apply at https://www.mtcbsa.org/campstaffopportunity

OA High Adventure

Imagine hiking through some of the same territories as Waite Phillips, Dr. Goodman and other noteworthy Scouting figures. Imagine forming a team, coming into an experience as strangers, but leaving as friends for a lifetime. Few people get to experience the world’s natural beauty and understand what true fellowship is all about. Next summer, the Order of the Arrow invites you to this rare occasion and to participate in the OA High Adventure program.

Visit https://oa-bsa.org/high-adventure for more information regarding all of the OAHA opportunities available for lodge members.

Wa-Hi-Nasa Social Media

Facebook: facebook.com/wahinasa

Instagram: instagram.com/wahinasa

YouTube: youtube.com/wahinasa111 

Do you know a fellow lodge member who is not receiving eNews messages? Have them email enews@wa-hi-nasa.org with their full name, chapter, and correct contact information.

December 2024 eNews


Membership Renewal and Arrowpass for 2025

It’s that time of year! Time for membership renewal and Arrowpass. The Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge is putting together many fun events next year and we would love to see you there. Also, if you pay for Arrowpass you do not have to pay dues as it is already covered! https://wa-hi-nasa.org/register/

Summer Camp Staff

Do you want to make lasting memories this summer on Boxwell Summer Camp staff? Well now is the time to sign up! There are plenty of places to staff in a variety of areas spanning from aquatics to kitchen. Boxwell needs your help in putting on the best summer camp experience for Scouts in the Middle Tennessee Council! Spots are open, don’t forget to apply at https://www.mtcbsa.org/campstaffopportunity

2025 Lodge Calendar

Can’t wait to see you at next year’s lodge events!

OA High Adventure

Imagine hiking through some of the same territories as Waite Phillips, Dr. Goodman and other noteworthy Scouting figures. Imagine forming a team, coming into an experience as strangers, but leaving as friends for a lifetime. Few people get to experience the world’s natural beauty and understand what true fellowship is all about. Next summer, the Order of the Arrow invites you to this rare occasion and to participate in the OA High Adventure program.

Visit https://oa-bsa.org/high-adventure for more information regarding all of the OAHA opportunities available for lodge members.

Winter Banquet Recap

This month, at MTSU, the Lodge hosted its annual Winter Banquet! Awards were given out to Lodge members and chapters, the 2024 Lodge Officers recognized, and the 2025 Lodge Officers and LEC were sworn in. The best part of course was the food!

Wa-Hi-Nasa Social Media

Facebook: facebook.com/wahinasa

Instagram: instagram.com/wahinasa

YouTube: youtube.com/wahinasa111 

Do you know a fellow lodge member who is not receiving eNews messages? Have them email enews@wa-hi-nasa.org with their full name, chapter, and correct contact information.

November 2024 eNews


Membership Renewal and Arrowpass for 2025

It’s that time of year! Time for membership renewal and Arrowpass. The Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge is putting together many fun events next year and we would love to see you there. Also, if you pay for Arrowpass you do not have to pay dues as it is already covered! https://wa-hi-nasa.org/register/

Communications Survey

Our 2024 Secretary team has created this brief survey to help the lodge better understand how you interact with the Wa-Hi-Nasa lodge! Please take some time to fill it out if you are an OA member. Anyone who does enters for a chance to win 20$ of trading post credit! Take the survey here!

Winter Camp: Brotherhood Opportunity

During Winter Camp on Saturday at 7:30 there will be an opportunity to go through the Brotherhood Ceremony and a cracker barrel for OA members starting at 8:30! To participate in the Brotherhood ceremony bring 25$ and arrive for the Brotherhood Review at 7:30.

Summer Camp Staff

Do you want to staff summer camp? Well now is the time to sign up! There are plenty of places to staff in a variety of areas spanning from aquatics to kitchen. Boxwell needs your help in putting on the best summer camp experience for Scouts in the Middle Tennessee Council! Spots are open, don’t forget to apply at https://www.mtcbsa.org/campstaffopportunity

Camping Guide

The Where To Go Scouting Guide is a collection of activities and places where your units can have fun adventuring! Share your favorite Scouting spots or places to camp with us. These can include state parks, national parks, or private properties that your unit or district has camped at. Help submit your favorite camping places at https://linktr.ee/wahinasa

OA High Adventure

Imagine hiking through some of the same territories as Waite Phillips, Dr. Goodman and other noteworthy Scouting figures. Imagine forming a team, coming into an experience as strangers, but leaving as friends for a lifetime. Few people get to experience the world’s natural beauty and understand what true fellowship is all about. Next summer, the Order of the Arrow invites you to this rare occasion and to participate in the OA High Adventure program.

Visit https://oa-bsa.org/high-adventure for more information regarding all of the OAHA opportunities available for lodge members.

2025 Lodge Calendar

Can’t wait to see you at next year’s lodge events!!

October 2024 eNews


Winter Banquet

Join us at our Annual Lodge Winter Banquet! It will be held December 7th at MTSU, starting at 6pm! Come join Arrowmen and Guests from across the Middle Tennessee Council in celebrating our Lodge’s accomplishments and installing the new Lodge leadership, all in the comfort of a banquet hall with catered food!

Most importantly, we will recognize those Arrowmen who have risen above and beyond in their service. Some of the awards we will recognize include the 2024 Vigil Honor class, Founders Award, Josh Sain Memorial Award, and many more.

Early bird registration closes Sunday the 27th!!! Register now at Winter Banquet – Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge

Communications Survey

Our 2024 Secretary team has created this brief survey to help the lodge better understand how you interact with the Wa-Hi-Nasa lodge! Please take some time to fill it out if you are an OA member. Anyone who does enters for a chance to win 20$ of trading post credit! Take the survey here!

Summer Camp Staff

 Do you want to staff summer camp? Well now is the time to sign up! There are plenty of places to staff in a variety of areas spanning from aquatics to kitchen. Boxwell needs your help in putting on the best summer camp experience for Scouts in the Middle Tennessee Council! Spots are open, don’t forget to apply at https://www.mtcbsa.org/campstaffopportunity

Camping Guide

The Where To Go Scouting Guide is a collection of activities and places where your units can have fun adventuring! Share your favorite Scouting spots or places to camp with us. These can include state parks, national parks, or private properties that your unit or district has camped at. Help submit your favorite camping places at https://linktr.ee/wahinasa

September 2024 eNews


2025 Lodge Officers

At Fall Fellowship the Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge convened and elected our team of officers for 2025!

(From left to right)

David Emery – Lodge Adviser

Ephraim R. – Lodge Chief

Nick C. – VC of Service

Emerson E. – VC of chapter operations

Brianna B. – VC of Program

Nick R. – Secretary

Thomas W. – Treasurer

We cannot wait to see the impact these 6 individuals have on our lodge this next year!

2025 LEC Interest Form

Make a meaningful impact on the Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge by expressing your interest in becoming a part of the Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) for the upcoming year. Your insights and dedication will help shape our Lodge’s initiatives and direction. Join us to contribute, collaborate, and lead together!



Wa-Hi-Nasa is proud to recognize its members for their dedication and service to the scouting program and the lodge. From recognizing those who have never held an official position to those who served the lodge in various capacities over their lifetime, the lodge has a number of internal and nationally recognized awards to bestow upon its members. Please consider nominating lodge members for the many different awards offered. See our lodge’s award history and nominate a fellow lodge member here.


The National Leadership Seminar (NLS) is a weekend conference that focuses on developing key leadership skills and attributes for youth and adult members of the Order of the Arrow. Participants commit to applying these skills to projects in their lodge, council, and community, preparing them to be better leaders within and outside the Scouting program. Register for the November 1st-3rd course in Nashville by visiting https://registration.oa-bsa.org/.

Winter Camp Staff Form

Want to staff winter camp? Now is the time to fill out your winter camp staff interest form! The theme this year is Galactic Frontier. All OA members are eligible to serve on staff. Winter camp is one of the most important ways we serve our council and is an opportunity for everyone to see what our lodge can do. Applicants will be contacted to confirm their service after completing application.

For more information go to https://wa-hi-nasa.org/events/winter-camp/. For the staff interest form click here. With any questions please contact wintercamp@wa-hi-nasa.org.

Camping Guide

The Where To Go Scouting Guide is a collection of activities and places where your units can have fun adventuring! Share your favorite Scouting spots or places to camp with us. These can include state parks, national parks, or private properties that your unit or district has camped at. Help submit your favorite camping places at https://linktr.ee/wahinasa

OA High Adventure

Imagine hiking through some of the same territories as Waite Phillips, Dr. Goodman and other noteworthy Scouting figures. Imagine forming a team, coming into an experience as strangers, but leaving as friends for a lifetime. Few people get to experience the world’s natural beauty and understand what true fellowship is all about. Next summer, the Order of the Arrow invites you to this rare occasion and to participate in the OA High Adventure program.

Visit https://oa-bsa.org/high-adventure for more information regarding all of the OAHA opportunities available for lodge members.

August 2024 eNews


Fall Fellowship

There’s been a seemingly apocalyptic anomaly at Boxwell. This mysterious transmission is telling me that Operation: Fall Fellowship will take place from 9/20 – 9/22. Register now to enlist in the response team and help SAVE BOXWELL FROM [REDACTED]. New members inducted into the OA in 2024 get 20$ off the registration price! Early registration and the chance to save $5 ends on Sunday, 8/25. Register now at wa-hi-nasa.org/events/fall-fellowship!

Sea Scout Flap

In order to create a lodge flap that would fit the shape of the Sea Scout uniform pocket, the lodge has decided to create a single standard lodge flap for this purpose. These lodge flaps will be sold exclusively via a pre-order which will be open through the end of Fall Fellowship. They will be $6.00 each, and following the event, an order will be made, and the flaps should be available for pickup at Winter Banquet. Register for Fall Fellowship above to come out and pre-order your Sea Scout flaps!


Wa-Hi-Nasa is proud to recognize its members for their dedication and service to the scouting program and the lodge. From recognizing those who have never held an official position to those who served the lodge in various capacities over their lifetime, the lodge has a number of internal and nationally recognized awards to bestow upon its members. Please consider nominating lodge members for the many different awards offered. See our lodge’s award history and nominate a fellow lodge member here.

Winter Camp Staff Interest Form

Want to staff winter camp? Now is the time to fill out your winter camp staff interest form! The theme this year is Galactic Frontier. All OA members are eligible to serve on staff. Winter camp is one of the most important ways we serve our council and is an opportunity for everyone to see what our lodge can do. Applicants will be contacted to confirm their service after completing application.

For more information go to https://wa-hi-nasa.org/events/winter-camp/. For the staff interest form click here. With any questions please contact wintercamp@wa-hi-nasa.org

Camping Guide

The Where To Go Scouting Guide is a collection of activities and places where your units can have fun adventuring! Share your favorite Scouting spots or places to camp with us. These can include state parks, national parks, or private properties that your unit or district has camped at. Help submit your favorite camping places at https://linktr.ee/wahinasa

OA High Adventure

Imagine hiking through some of the same territories as Waite Phillips, Dr. Goodman and other noteworthy Scouting figures. Imagine forming a team, coming into an experience as strangers, but leaving as friends for a lifetime. Few people get to experience the world’s natural beauty and understand what true fellowship is all about. Next summer, the Order of the Arrow invites you to this rare occasion and to participate in the OA High Adventure program.

Visit https://oa-bsa.org/high-adventure for more information regarding all of the OAHA opportunities available for lodge members.

The Calvin Hughes Campership is available to youth lodge members from Wa-Hi-Nasa who require financial assistance to attend national OA events. Request by reaching out to lodgeadviser@wa-hi-nasa.org.

July 2024 eNews


August Induction Weekend

Do you want a meaningful way to serve our lodge and make connections with new members? Staff August Induction Weekend! Whether you like cooking food or serving alongside candidates, there is an opportunity for you to serve at August Induction Weekend. Staffing AIW is a meaningful experience that every member will get something valuable from. Don’t miss out on this chance to make an invaluable impact on our new members. Registration closes on August 4th! Register now here!

Vigil Honor Nominations

The Vigil Honor is best upon members who show excellence in service towards the lodge, council, camp, and Scouting. Any Lodge member may submit a nomination to any other eligible member. It is Important that members consider nominating someone this year. Vigil requires a minimum of 2 years of service after the date of their Brotherhood ceremony. Please submit nominations by 6pm Saturday of August Induction Weekend. Fill out nominations here. Any questions please contact vigil@wa-hi-nasa.org.

Fall Fellowship

There’s been a seemingly apocalyptic anomaly at Boxwell. This mysterious transmission is telling me that the operation: Fall Fellowship will take place from 9/20 – 9/22. Register now to enlist in the response team and help SAVE BOXWELL FROM [REDACTED]. If you were inducted this year you’ll get 20$ off the registration price! Register now here!

Winter Camp Staff Interest Form

Want to staff winter camp? Now is the time to fill out your winter camp staff interest form! The theme this year is Galactic Frontier. All OA members are eligible to serve on staff. Winter camp is one of the most important ways we serve our council and is an opportunity for everyone to see what our lodge can do. Applicants will be contacted to confirm their service after completing application.

For more information go to https://wa-hi-nasa.org/events/winter-camp/. For the interest form click here. With any questions please contact wintercamp@wa-hi-nasa.org.

New Members Guide

 In case you missed it here’s the New Members Guide! Whether you were just inducted or want to learn a bit more about our lodge, it’s a vital document to look over to learn about the next steps you can take to get involved. https://wa-hi-nasa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024-NMG-v3.pdf

2025 Lodge Calendar

Spring Summit – March 7-9, 2025

Section E3 Conclave – April 25-27, 2025

June Induction Weekend – May 30-June 1, 2025

Summer Camp Cracker Barrels – Every Wed night during SC

August Induction Weekend – August 1-3, 2025

Fall Fellowship – September 19-21, 2025

Winter Banquet – December 6, 2025

Winter Camp – December 26-31, 2025

June 2024 eNews


August Induction Weekend

Do you want a meaningful way to serve our lodge and make connections with new members? Staff August Induction Weekend! Whether you like cooking food or serving alongside candidates, there is an opportunity for you to serve at August Induction Weekend. Staffing AIW is a meaningful experience that every member will get something valuable from. Don’t miss out on this chance to make an invaluable impact on our new members. https://wa-hi-nasa.org/events/induction/

Summer Camp Cracker Barrels

Hello all fellow lodge members! We are so excited to see you all at our final Boxwell summer camp OA Cracker Barrel night. This year’s Cracker Barrels are Christmas themed. There will be a best in show contest for best Christmas costume and a dutch oven contest you can participate in. We’ll be having festive fellowship on Wednesday night at 7:45 pm at the OA Lodge on July 3rd!! Visitors to Boxwell must sign in at the Crab upon arrival.

Vigil Honor Nominations

The Vigil Honor is bestowed upon members who show excellence in service towards the lodge, council, camp, and Scouting. Vigil requires a minimum of 2 years of service after the date of their Brotherhood ceremony. Any lodge member may submit a nomination for any eligible member who meets that criteria. It is Important that members consider nominating someone this year. Please submit nominations by 6pm Saturday of August Induction Weekend. Fill out nominations here. Any questions please contact vigil@wa-hi-nasa.org

Winter Camp Staff Interest Form

Want to staff winter camp? Now is the time to fill out your winter camp staff interest form! The theme this year is Galactic Frontier. All OA members are eligible to serve on staff. Winter camp is one of the most important ways we serve our council and is an opportunity for everyone to see what our lodge can do. Applicants will be contacted to confirm their service after completing application.

For more information go to https://wa-hi-nasa.org/events/winter-camp/. For the interest form click here. With any questions please contact wintercamp@wa-hi-nasa.org.

New Members Guide

 In case you missed it here’s the New Members Guide! Whether you were just inducted or want to learn a bit more about our lodge, it’s a vital document to look over to learn about the next steps you can take to get involved. https://wa-hi-nasa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024-NMG-v3.pdf

June Induction Weekend Recap

June Induction Weekend was a resounding success. 142 candidates and 121 members were in attendance this JIW. Thanks to the hard work of the candidates and members, the Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge was able to provide outstanding service to Boxwell. Some highlights include completely setting up Camp Craig and completing a minimum of 90% of Cubworld and Stahlman. Member / Construction crew were able to do several tasks for Boxwell and for the lodge. Through the hard work of everyone in attendance, JIW was a success and meaningful service was provided to Boxwell and to the lodge.

May 2024 eNews


Summer Camp Staff

Boxwell needs your help! Are you looking for a summer job? Do you want to staff summer camp? Well now is the time to sign up! There are plenty of places to staff, whether it’s in Cubworld, Stahlman, or Craig! Spots are open, don’t forget to register at https://www.mtcbsa.org/campstaffopportunity

Summer Camp Cracker Barrels

We are so excited to get things kicked off in just a couple weeks at our Boxwell summer camp Order the Arrow Cracker Barrel nights!

We’ll be singing Christmas Carols every Wednesday night at 7:45 pm at the OA Lodge. And we’re bringing back ICE CREAM!!

We cannot wait to see you all there and to fellowship among other OA members from all around the country!!

Camp Promotions

Attention, lodge members! Has your unit gone on an awesome adventure that you’d love to share for more scouts to enjoy? The Camp Promotions Team would be thrilled to receive your input regarding our “Where to Go Scouting Guide.” This guide aims to offer chapters and units with camping and outdoor activity opportunities. Please complete the Where To Go Scouting Guide to share information about your camping and adventure opportunities.

August Induction Weekend

Staffing induction weekend is a meaningful way to provide service to the lodge and engage with new members. There are many different areas to serve in such as kitchen, service crew, member crew, elangomat, and ceremonies. There truly is an area for everyone to serve in. Our next and final induction will be August Induction Weekend taking place from 8/9 – 8/11. Registration is open now! 


Vigil Honor Nominations

The Vigil Honor is bestowed upon members who show excellence in service towards the lodge, council, camp, and Scouting. Any Lodge member may submit a nomination to any other eligible member. It is Important that members consider nominating someone this year. Vigil requires a minimum of 2 years of service after the date of their Brotherhood ceremony. Please submit nominations by 6pm Saturday of August Induction Weekend. Fill out nominations here. Any questions please contact vigil@wa-hi-nasa.org

Winter Camp Staff Interest Form

Want to staff winter camp? Now is the time to fill out your winter camp staff interest form. The theme this year is Galactic Frontier. All OA members are eligible to serve on staff. Applicants will be contacted to confirm their service after completing application.

For more information go to https://wa-hi-nasa.org/events/winter-camp/. For the interest form click here. With any questions please contact wintercamp@wa-hi-nasa.org.

Section E3 Conclave Recap

The 2024 E3 Section Conclave was an absolute blast! The lodge contingent was able to participate in morning training, patch trading, afternoon activities, and the annual Quest games, where our Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge youth participated in fun games such as 9 square, a puzzle relay race, and tug-of-war. We are so happy we were able to see one of our very own Hannah Neal be elected as our new E3 Section Vice-Chief! We can’t wait to see everyone and how Conclave plays out next year!