February 2025 eNews


Spring Summit

Spring Summit is as mad as a hatter, and we hope you will join us to help make this event crazy! The event will take place at Boxwell Scout Reservation on March 7th-9th. This is our annual fellowship and training event! Join us down the rabbit hole for wacky food and sessions that cover all kinds of leadership and OA topics! Sessions will be held in the morning followed by chapter vs. chapter games to win the Wa-Hi-Nasa Belt of Glory! You can register by going to wa-hi-nasa.org/events/spring-summit

Membership Renewal and Arrowpass for 2025

It’s that time of year! Time for membership renewal and Arrowpass. The Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge is putting together many fun events next year and we would love to see you there. Also, if you pay for Arrowpass you do not have to pay dues as it is already covered! https://wa-hi-nasa.org/register/

Section E-3 Conclave

Join us for an unforgettable weekend filled with OA training, patch trading, and epic competitions! Plus, don’t miss the Quest for the Golden Arrow, where Wa-Hi-Nasa will go head-to-head with other lodges in a series of competitive games!

Seize the opportunity to represent Wa-Hi-Nasa—register now and be part of the action! Conclave will be on April 25th-27th at Camp Buck Toms. https://wa-hi-nasa.org/events/conclave/

Summer Camp Staff

Do you want to make lasting memories this summer on Boxwell Summer Camp staff? Well now is the time to sign up! There are plenty of places to staff in a variety of areas spanning from aquatics to kitchen. Boxwell needs your help in putting on the best summer camp experience for Scouts in the Middle Tennessee Council! Spots are open, don’t forget to apply at https://www.mtcbsa.org/campstaffopportunity

ArrowCorps111 Leadership Interest

The Lodge is thrilled to invite you to ArrowCorps 111, a service project taking place on October 11, 2025, at Grimes Canoe Base. Make sure to save the date, more information regarding registration will be coming soon.

This unique initiative offers participants the opportunity to contribute to a Middle Tennessee Council Property. While fostering a love for nature and creating a deeper understanding of conservation practices.

If you’re interested in serving in a leadership position for this year’s ArrowCorps111 service project, submit a form at . https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZ6NYOYUOnmq1z50jjESNv1VzSvN-pZKlAJ_Rcmij_OVi1cA/viewform. Sign ups close March 9th.

OA High Adventure

Imagine hiking through some of the same territories as Waite Phillips, Dr. Goodman and other noteworthy Scouting figures. Imagine forming a team, coming into an experience as strangers, but leaving as friends for a lifetime. Few people get to experience the world’s natural beauty and understand what true fellowship is all about. Next summer, the Order of the Arrow invites you to this rare occasion and to participate in the OA High Adventure program.

Visit https://oa-bsa.org/high-adventure for more information regarding all of the OAHA opportunities available for lodge members.

Wa-Hi-Nasa Social Media

Facebook: facebook.com/wahinasa

Instagram: instagram.com/wahinasa

YouTube: youtube.com/wahinasa111 

Do you know a fellow lodge member who is not receiving eNews messages? Have them email enews@wa-hi-nasa.org with their full name, chapter, and correct contact information.

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