Come join us at an out of this world Conclave, and meet our National Vice Chief at Camp Buck Toms from April 25th-27th. Registration closes April 15th. Register Here!
First of all, congratulations! The induction weekend is not an easy journey, and all of us have had a different journey up to this point. All of you have had different challenges up to this point. Now, I am honored to welcome you into the Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s National Honor Society. The road to earning your sash and flap was undoubtedly arduous, but I hope you found the experience enriching and fulfilling.
This page provides insight and general knowledge about Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge and its leadership in the Middle Tennessee Council. I urge you to read through it to further understand the beauty of this organization. As a member of the Order of the Arrow, you have the opportunity to develop your leadership skills, participate in meaningful service projects, and so much more.
Remember, those in your unit who chose you to endure the tests of your Induction. They are in need of your service. Your journey to full membership in the order is not complete until you continue in service back to your unit for at least six months and after taking part in a Brotherhood Ceremony.
But don’t worry, we are here with you every step of the way, and I encourage you to reach out to myself or anyone else listed if you have any questions. We are thrilled that you have joined our Brotherhood of Cheerful Service and hope to continue building a relationship with you soon. Keep an eye out for upcoming lodge events and service projects. I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together!
Carson Patterson 2024 Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge Chief
New Member Guide
We know that you probably have many questions about the OA and the Induction. You can view our New Member Guide by clicking here! This guide has information about the OA, the Induction, and a list of ways to get involved!
The first thing to do is to get involved with your Chapter. Chapters typically cover a few
counties and offer their own programming, fellowship, service, and leadership. You can find out
what Chapter you are in here as well as chapter meeting and contact information.
First Year Arrowman Award
As a new member, you can earn the First-Year Arrowman Award! This award can only be earned in the first year of membership and encourages participation in the OA and service to your unit! The pin is designed to fit at the bottom of the standard flap and is presented at the Winter Banquet after you earn it! Click here for more information and the requirements!
Fall Fellowship Discount
All new members will receive discount pricing for Fall Fellowship the year they are inducted! Fall Fellowship is one of the highlights of the Lodge calendar with food, fun, and fellowship! When registering for the event select “New Member” for your discount!
OA Jumpstart
The National OA Committee has a website called OA Jumpstart. It has information about the history of the OA as well as information on your Induction. You will need your OA Handbook to access the content.
You can keep up to date with the Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge by following us on Facebook!
You can keep up to date with the Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge by following us on Instagram!
The Lodge offers several events a year for fun, food, fellowship, and service! Most of our events are not like the Induction. We are known to have big feasts and the occasional party or two! You can view these events and register for them here.
In six months, you can become a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow. This seals your membership with the OA and shows your dedication to the ideals of Scouting. More information can be found in your OA Handbook as well as the above New Member Guide.
The Lodge has many committees that serve to carry out different functions of the Lodge. They range from social media, to event planning, food preparation at events, unit elections, and many more. To view a full list and ways to get involved, click here.
Staff Events
Our events take people to run them! Click here to see the different positions you can help fill at the events! We have spots for kitchen, trading post, registration, Elangomat, service crew, and program!
Run for Lodge Office
Every year at Fall Fellowship, the Lodge holds elections for the six officer positions (Lodge Chief, 3x Vice-Chiefs, Secretary, and Treasurer). If you are interested in this, please click here to contact the Lodge Chief for more information.
OA High Adventure
As an Arrowman, you have the opportunity to attend OA High Adventure (OAHA) programs at the four National Scout Reservations for a longer time and a reduced cost! Click here for more information.
Winter Camp Staff
Come staff the MTCBSA Winter Camp! The entire event is planned and staffed by the OA!