Welcome Parents!

Congratulations! Your Scout has been elected as a candidate for the Order of the Arrow (OA), the National Honor Society of the Boy Scouts of America.
Organized in 1915 to recognize honor campers, the purpose of the Order of the Arrow is to recognize those who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives and through that recognition cause others to conduct themselves in a way that warrants similar recognition; to promote camping, to develop leaders, and to crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others.
Candidates for the Order of the Arrow are chosen not only for what they have done, but also for what they are expected to do in serving the welfare of others. Because your Scout was selected for candidacy by the unique method of being elected by their peers, we are sure that they are well worthy of this honor.
Your Scout will become a member of the Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge at one of our Induction Weekends. This weekend will offer a unique opportunity for them to reflect on their personal commitment to the principles and purposes of the Order of the Arrow. The weekend is undertaken by every new candidate and is a meaningful and inspiring experience that will not soon be forgotten.
Induction in the Order of the Arrow will open many new doors for your Scout. Our lodge participates in many events every year, ranging from fellowships to service to banquets. In addition, the Order of the Arrow provides some of the most valuable youth leadership training and opportunities available. These opportunities will build upon the knowledge they already have received during their Scouting experience. This is truly an exciting time for you and your Scout. Your encouragement will be appreciated.
To register your Scout for one of our Induction Weekends, go here. For more information on the Induction Weekend including times, dates, and a packing list, go here. Please feel free to contact our Lodge Adviser at lodgeadviser@wa-hi-nasa.org if you have any questions concerning the Order of the Arrow. Thank you for your support of your Scout and the Order of the Arrow.
A parent orientation will be held on Sunday morning of the Induction Weekend.